Send a letter marriage agency offers e-mail forwarding and human translation services. You can contact any woman in our Russian brides catalog through the web-site for a reasonable fee. Read further to learn how it works an how much it costs; consult FAQ and contact us if you have any questions.

Here are the charges applicable to your account at for the email forwarding services:

  • Sending a Flirt to a girl - 0.05 of a POINT
  • Sending a Query to a girl - 0.25 of a POINT
  • Reading a letter of introduction from a girl - 0.15 of a POINT
  • Sending a letter to a girl - 1 POINT
  • Reading a reply from a girl - 1 POINT
  • Sending an additional photo to a girl - 0.5 of a POINT
  • Receiving an additional photo from a girl - 0.5 of a POINT


Flirting is one more variant of your communication with women at our web-site. Flirting is an image-message which you can send as a sign of your affection or, if it is your first attempt to contact a lady, a sign that you like her and want to start communicating with her. A lady can also send an image-message as her reply to you.


It would be good thing to send a Query for initial contact. Query is a short standard message of interest you send to the woman you liked. What is the difference between a Query and an ordinary letter? First of all, Query is cheaper than a letter; but what a Query does is it only attracts the girl's attention to your profile; when viewing your profile the girl already knows that you are interested. When you get a positive reply from the girl, you can then send her a detailed letter about you.

Query is a much smaller monetary risk for you than a letter - you will only lose 0.25 of a POINT per Query. You may send this Query to as many women as you like and you will know that all the women that do respond have seen your profile and photo (if you have one in the profile) and sincerely interested! Lady's reply - yes or no - is FREE!

To send a Query you should just click on the QUERY button on the lady's page. The woman's agency receives a standard note with request to show your profile and photo in the catalog to the girl and then inform us whether the woman is interested in you. Within a week you should receive a reply from the lady. If it is positive - you may then write her a detailed e-mail about yourself (see our e-mail forwarding details). YOU WILL ALREADY KNOW THAT SHE IS INTERESTED.

Please remember that to write to the woman and read her replies will cost you the usual 1 POINT per e-mail - see in details how email forwarding system works. If the lady is not interested and does not reply to your query, YOU ONLY LOSE THE QUERY COST (which is ONLY 0.25 POINTs!) not the full 1 POINT if you would have sent an e-mail. Please Note: It is impossible to send a query if the lady has already sent you an e-mail or you have written to her before. Also, you should have your ad published in the Gentlemen's Catalog to use the QUERY option - so the lady could review it before deciding on whether to reply to your Query.

E-mail forwarding

Many Russian women do not have computers, Internet access and do not know English, but they still want to meet foreign men for marriage. They register with marriage agencies who in their turn post information of such women to various web-sites. Foreign men, interested in meeting and marrying a girl from Eastern Europe, contact these women by email - it is faster than postal correspondence. But the Russian women can't get and read their letters. So, the agency that registered a woman on the web-site receives men's letters, translates them and gives to the woman. This is what is called email forwarding.

As it was mentioned, it is the fastest way to contact beautiful girls and women from Russian and Ukraine. Nowadays using email forwarding services of an angency adds more security to your correspondence with Russian women: girls registered with the agencies are real, their identity is checked by the local agencies, and men can be sure they are communicating with a person who is in the picture. Thus, for a reasonable fee you get your letter translated, delivered personally to the woman you liked, and you are sure you communicate with the real woman, but not a phantom. Through letters you will be able to establish serious contact with the girls from our Russian girls catalog, get to know each other, tell about your character, dreams and desires, discuss problems that worry you, and finally agree about personal meeting. What you need is to exchange letters fast, but correspondence by post will take a lot of time. How can you exchange letters quickly with a girl who doesn't have a computer at home, thus doesn't know how to use Internet, and doesn't speak English enough to express herself? Here we come to the conclusion that you DO need our letter forwarding services. We also offer photo-forwarding services to our male and female clients. If you are interested to know how it works in real, read further...


First of all, prices for our services are given in POINTs - conventional units you add to your account with Why do we use POINTs? Because it is more convenient to offer different discounts for our customers. First of all, the more POINTs you buy, the cheaper each one will be for you (consult the price-list). Then, there are Service Package BONUSES and holiday discounts. You buy POINTs from us, and then these POINTs are deducted from your account for the services you order.

You can pay for our services using your credit card or e-check. If it is more convenient for you, you can pay by money transfer. Contact us for details if you prefer this way of making payment.

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