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Tsunami of love
Love is like a great wave of tsunami,
If it hits you, it will capture your heart forever.
You can resist it, but you will never escape it.
Do not regret if you are drowned in the wave,
Because Love is the sweetest thing you may have.
We Live To Love, Without Love, Our Life Is Empty And Meaningless.
Most people say that love is the most powerful, the purest and inspiring feeling you may have in this life, it gives you a reason to live, it gives you strength to struggle and to overcome difficulties, it gives you joy and pleasure, but it also can bring you sufferings if your love is unrequited. Anyway, if you are in love, you are both in joy and in torment, but many people want to taste and experience this sweetest feeling the life has for us. Do not be afraid of falling in love so much, even if your life seems a nightmare after it.
What could be more wonderful than waiting for a chance to see your beloved one and then just enjoy being with her? Looking into her eyes and kissing her sweet lips, caressing her tender body and just being sure that she feels the same as you do? What could be more wonderful than waking up and falling asleep with your beloved one repeating the same name in your mind for so long that you feel you're going crazy? All that happens to us has a certain sense. Love brings us new impressions everyday. Mutual Love gives you wings, it lifts you up to heaven, but unrequited Love brings you sufferings, breaks your heart, but it does not leave without advantage - enables to estimate, to comprehend our feelings. The experience is important also, it remains in your heart forever. Even the unfortunate love brings us sensations we never forget.
Why Are Russian Women In Great Demand?
For sure, you heard much about incomparable qualities of Russian women. Russian and Ukraine women are so pretty, tender, modest, polite, feminine and patient to their men. Russian women have both inward and outward beauty. The beauty of Russian women is genuine and natural and even without applying makeup, they manage to look pretty and attractive, that is why Russian women are highly valued both by local and foreign men. Western men say that Russian women and Ukraine women have a very beautiful soul and a rich inner world. Western men like the genuine and natural femininity of Russian women stating, that many western women had already lost their natural femininity, because of the feminism movement in their countries, but the most important quality of Russian women is the ability to love their men devotionally and sacrificially. Faithfulness is another quality of Russian women and if Russian women love their chosen men very much, they will be faithful to them and even to the end of their lives. Russian and Ukraine women are so patient and can forgive the weaknesses of their men: such as alcoholic problems, unfaithfulness and lies. Of course, not all Russian women can tolerate such attitude of their men towards them, but Russian and Ukrainian women have the unique quality to forgive their men if they are in love with them and if their men ask them for forgiveness and swear loyalty to them, Russian women will forgive them and restore their loving relation with them.
Russian women do not expect great profits from loving their men, they are genuinely selfless, and often sacrifice their careers and lives for them whom they love.
Almost all western men state that they lack devotion in the relation with their women and their women often dump them, sometimes even without any explanation, because western women are not as devoted as Russian women. The devotion in love is the distinguishing quality of Russian and Ukraine women and many Russian women dream to get married according to the rite of the Orthodox Church and take the church oath promising, "I vow to stay with my husband in grief and joy until death separates us" and they are not empty words for them, because marriage is the most sacred thing for Russian women.
Brides from Ukraine and Russian are very devotional, kind and good mothers to their children. They love their children devotionally and even madly, take a good care of them and spend a lot of time with them. The tender and loving attitude of Russian women towards their kids is mostly valued by western men.
Russian women and Ukraine women are very submissive to their husbands doing everything to please them. They are very good housewives making their homes warm, cosy and comfortable. They cook very well inventing new dishes for their loved husbands.
Why Are Russian Women Seeking Foreign Men?
You may ask why Russian women seek men abroad? It is not an easy question to answer, but it is not a secret for all foreigners that the living standard in the former Soviet Union countries is very low and most of local men cannot be good providers for their families, but of course, this is not the main reason for Russian women, because from their childhood they got used to small things and they fulfil their duties even living under such conditions. The big problem is a lack of local men. According to the last census data, the number of women exceeds men by 10 million and for the age of 40 and over the ratio men to women goes up to the terrifying number 1:10 and those who are still available are simply not fit for Russian women. So, as you may see this is so difficult for Russian women to find a worthy man in her homeland, so after turning 30, the chances of Russian women to get married successfully are diminished. Of course, the biggest problem for Russin women to meet men in their counties is that local men have serious problems with alcohol and it scares Russian women away from having a serious relation with such men as Russian women are destined to be good family's keepers and as any woman, Russian women want peace and security in a relationship with men, because they are present or future mothers.